Sunday, 15 June 2008

beauty or beast?

I decided today that the term 'fashion victim' is awful. (Apologies oscar de la renta...who apparently created the phrase)According to Giorgio Armani "When a woman alters her look too much from season to season, she becomes a fashion victim."

Perhaps in the sense of being hooked upon fashion and being somewhat 'addicted' to it needs a new term? I've seen the phrase 'fashion victim' around a lot recently and its been playing with my mind, a victim is an unfortunate person who suffers from some adverse circumstance. Who in this world has been 'an unfortunate person who suffers from an adverse circumstance to do with fashion'?

what is the actual definition of a 'fashion victim'?

would you class yourself as one?

I guess maybe i'm being over analytical once again? or ... not?

what does everyone think? is 'victim' too strong and could possibly cause offence? Are you one? Do you know of one? what would be your idea of a 'fashion victim'?



LC said...

interesting topic. hmm i definately would not call myself a fashion victim, i try to dress classy which i worry sometimes is on the end of conservatism...but alas not a victim! haha. i think its a funny phrase "fashion victim" and shouldn't be taken too seriously.

Fashionably collaborative thought box said...

ahh i cant get onto your blog? but great point it really shouldnt be taken too seriously but i guess its open for interpretation! x

Anonymous said...

I am the same about that term. to me, a fashion victim is someone who doesn´t own personal style but hunts the latest fashion trends.

Sharon said...

I wouldn't describe myself as a fashion victim-I do try and source items that I feel offer timeless style, ie-would not look out of place year in, year out!

Fashion-Obsessed! said...

erm.. interesting, i don't think i do know anyone who is a fashion victim in the sense of following trends too much. I do know people who wear terrible clothes, haha but i think that may be different. I don't think i am a fashion victim even though i do wear some trends, but not religiously, and only if it suits me. So i guess i'm not. Oh and it took me ages to get onto your blog because your name didnt link to the page so had to find your blog adress to get to it. Thanks for your comment, i love the dress, can't wait to wear it again now. Great post, and yes it would be great to maybe have one of your headers.

michelle said...

If I was called a "fashion victim", I always assumed I'd be insulted because I figured it meant that you were attempting to be fashionable, but failed.

Times of Glory said...

A great post, dear! The topic will be a classy topic in fashion! The phrase self is very strong, I feel.

We guess that we have all tried some new wardrobe fun sometimes. Sometimes it is sucessful, but it may not work other times. If, only if, there was 1 person who constantly CHASE fashion trend, but NEVER gets it right, she or he may be a fashion victim, otherwise I'd like to keep that frase in the box...

Fashionably collaborative thought box said...

thats a great opinion - meaningfull. Its amazing to see everybodies different thoughts on this subject because they are all so different and varied, it interests me.

Neve said...

well i think a fashion victim is someone who followes the trend blindely(sorry if thats a false word...). when i think about a fashion vitim, its a negativ taste on it. i think i´m not a fashion victim...

oh, i decided to add u in my blogroll, nice blog! d´u add me too?

Mary said...

I don't really know... i guess my style changes a lot but it always has similar rules and influences to it. Hmmm... I tend to dress rather conservatively with little "pops" but I sometimes worry I'm too boring..
good question

Supercalifashionista said...

Well...I think that everyone should have their own original, basic style! Yet, they should be able to change it up and have as much fun with it as they please!

LC said...

ah okay fixed the problem, thanks ladies!!

heartu,kisses said...

i would say a fashion victim is someone who tries too hard...too many trends at once perhaps?
i hope i'm not a fashion victim......ahhh

JW said...

A fashion victim lacks style. One person can pull off an outrageous ensemble without a glitch, while another wearing the same thing would be called a fashion victim. Also I think style is about the little details to an outfit. Knowing how far is too far. I think often a fashion victim wears something because they think it will make them look cool and not because it is flattering or suitable. ie- this is gucci; so, it must be nice. And it is really obvious when someone does that.

Fashion mis-haps are different because they can happen to anyone.
All that being said, I completely agree with lc in that this really shouldnt be taken too seriously. Fashion is fun; we arent saving the planet here. I love Simon Doonan's take on it- that a little bad taste is required of fashionable people.

Julia said...

Calling someone a victim isn't too strong of a term. They are a victim due to their own obsession of being the latest and greatest and not being able to style it themselves properly. I think Victoria Beckham is the perfect example of a fashion victim.

Pamela Tan said...

there's this chapter about "fashion victim" in nina garcia's book (little black book of style): and she describes it as someone who dresses ALL the CURRENT TRENDS - ALL at the SAME TIME.

like all the season's trends - from shoes, to skirt, to prints, to colors, to bags, etc. all WORN consecutively in one outfit!

its always better to mix old with the trend :)

Stacey Hurst said...
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