Friday, 13 June 2008


So, I wanted to know where 's yellow skirt was from on 's intern blog and she says its vintage michael kors from ' beacons closet' in brooklyn (america) and i was downhearted because obviously this is a place over the pond as i live in england! UNTIL I FOUND where i found a cute zac posen dress for only $64 which if i bought obviously in pounds instead - this equals to about 30 pounds! YAAAAYY!!! and a gorgeous blue and purple (seen above) marc by marc jacobs dress for $64 woo! I shall be buying this within the next few days when i get some pennies into my bank! i suggest you all check this site out - have a great evening - xx



aw, thanks for the comment :)

Kira Aderne said...

i see you got a blogroll!!!

a kiss!!!

Fashionably collaborative thought box said...

awh, thanks! x

Sharon said...

Great find!! There are some nice things on there!

heartu,kisses said...

why is this site so cheap?? i don't understand.
anyhoo, love your blog, would u like to trade links??

Margaux said...

love that mj dress. i'm off to look!

Fashionably collaborative thought box said...

i'm not sure why it's so cheap - but i went to by the marc jacobs dress and as i went to pay it said that anyone purchasing this from outside the US must email this certain adress - so i did and i told them they would break my heart if they wont let me buy the dress - i swear i'll travel from oxford to brookylyn and back just for this!! xx

Laurel said...

Yay for affordable pieces! Thank you for the sweet comment, love. Can't get enough of my Jane Austen-ruffles - ha! xo

heartu,kisses said...

hey girl. i linked you.

and i have another surprise...the dress is elizabeth and james parachute dress.

not sure about the scarf, but i have one in the same color it's 'love quotes' and the color is called 'bali'

xx, kitty

Anonymous said...

hey! thank you for stopping into my little diary. I've added you to my bookmarks. ;] happy blogging.

Secretista said...

I'm so going to find that dress! It's awesome!!

CAT KHAN said...

i love the pattern and the cut!

ps i linked you love :)


Cammila said...

You are so sweet, there isn't much better than a person comparing you to a supermodel! :)

I love that dress! I absolutely remember when this dress first came out and I LOVED it from the first moment! Way to score an awesome deal.

aizat.cinta.goddess said...

i love the dress!!wow!!

u must keep it in a very good condition!!

love much!!

Fashion-Obsessed! said...

Hey, wow this post has actually gotten me excited, i am so going to check that site out!!! and the earrings for eighteen pounds, wow that is a total bargain!! and i am going onto college, my school doesnt have a 6th form. I think im taking english language, english literature, and then i was thinking about history but not sure yet, but i might choose another subject completely diff yet. I wish a college did a course in like fashion journalism but it doesnt! :( i think i will have to wait until university to do that. In fact i really want to go to university in london, but thats ages away yet, but i always plan ahead. :) But my dream uni is New York University! check the website out for journalism, it sounds amazing. what are you doing after you leave school?
sorry for droning on haha

Anonymous said...

so glad you pointed this site out! have you received the dress yet? thanks for the comment btw.

Danz said...

Lucky you! That dress is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

hey, nice blog! can we trade links?

btw, do you go to oxford? I go to Princeton. =)

Hannah Bee said...

Great finds! I am going to check out that website.
Want to trade links?

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Ooooh, I love this dress and what a nice price!