Thursday, 12 June 2008

The shoe-boot

Christian Louboutins anyone?

Since their launch to fame and popularity quite some time just before christmas 2007 the shoe-boot continues to reign! appx 8 months down the line and this fantasitcly sculpted style of shoe (and boot!) is still around, what do you think? Personally I LOVE SHOE BOOTS! My favourite are the edgy patent laced ones with small vintage looking brogue patterns down the sides *gasp* perfection!

Anyway what do you all think?

p.s the shoes at the top and bottom are christian louboutin available from BUT the ones in the middle are from by miss L-fire!


Sharon said...

I love the 1st pair best-the colour is awesome!!

Kira Aderne said...

shoe boot is so practical and cool!!
lovely post!
thanks a lot for passing at my blog,
let´s exchange li nks?

a kiss,
see you,

Fashionably collaborative thought box said...

thankyou! mee too, the obergene ones are my favourite! x

Fashionably collaborative thought box said...

um whatdoes this mean - exchange links? like exchange URL's? x


those Loubs are fantastic!!
thanks for the comment :) xx

Chelsea Rae said...

Is it really fair to show fashionistas a pair of loubs and then ask if we're a fan? Just kidding! I actually own a pair of shoe boots, but I think I've only worn them once or twice. My sister wears them all the time though, so I still give them a thumbs up!

Times of Glory said...

Hello, I came across your blog! It looks fantastic! Yes, Louboutin is totally the boss! I adore shoe boots, as they are very wearable and versatile! Sometimes, if I have spent on a thing, I really want to show it off from various angles xxxxx

CAT KHAN said...

i love shoes! and that is great taste in shoes lady! :)


Supercalifashionista said...

I love Christian Louboutin! His shoes are the kind you want to just look at sitting in your closet - or dance around in across from your bathroom mirror!

Kira Aderne said...

hey dear!

i mean about exchange links... you can do a list with your friends/links with my address. Take a look at my favorite´s links, your blog´s name is there :)

a kiss,
hope you get it,

Fashion-Obsessed! said...

hey, i only just saw your comment that you left on your page about not being able to get onto my blog. Looks like you have found a way since then but for future reference its
Oh and yes i am from the uk, from yorkshire. It's not exactly great, would much rather live in london, it's definetly more fashion conscious. Have you just done your GCSE exams? Iv just finished mine. Oh and i am also loving the shoe boots, i can't seem to find the perfect pair though. I think my faves are the black gladiater style shoe boots with studs and what not that you see the likes of mary kate olsen wearing.
hope you get back thanks x

Sheems said...

Hey, I just happened to come across your blog and I love it! I have fallen in love with the third pair, I definitely want to get a pair of shoes boots for this fall!

Lust for Fashion said...

anything by Christian Louboutin is fine with me!

Fashionably collaborative thought box said...

me too :) x

Pamela Tan said...

*sigh* i want a CL.. "want" not need! :) haha

i got the tights here in shanghai fashion district, and they're super CHEAP!

Anonymous said...

That first pair is perfection!!!

I love your blog!!! Trade links?

Anonymous said...

the black ones are absolutely gorgeous

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Damn, pretty nice information. How will I get this RSS?

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