Saturday, 14 June 2008

Political statements WANTED on fashion statements!

FAITH HAVE A HUUUGE SALE CURRENTLY!! (faith the shoe shop i mean!) I went shopping today and finally bought myself some shoes for my prom what do we all think? They're the ones in the pic above! I'm considering buying them in the pink as well! (i got them in the green today!) such a great price too. but it made me think - what is it about shoes that can make a girl get all exited and happy and joy full? For instance they were probably created just to protect out feet but now (to me anyway) they are like an art form!

What is it about beautiful shoes that some of us just ... love?


simimoon said...

so pretty! perfect for prom :D

Margaux said...


I don't know what it is, I used to actually not care too much for shoes. I always hate trouble being comfortable in them. Now I LOVE them. A bit too much. ;)

Anonymous said...

Lol, Princeton is in New Jersey. Nice shoes!

LC said...

I love them! And your blog is lovely as well :) Thanks for commenting mine!

Sharon said...

These are gorgeous-I love them!!

Fashion-Obsessed! said...

Hey, those shoes are gorgeous! I love them. and omg i am so jealous!! i would love to do what you are doing in college, that is going to me so amazing!! and what kind of things will you be doing in the fashion diploma? and ye i am taking the english lit seperate from the english language. I might have to search the internet and maybe could try to find some kind of fashion/journalism qualification and do it in night classses. You are so lucky! :) I also love the shoes on the last post, i have been looking at buying some like that. I think i better make another post soon, because i was busy all day yesterday i havent had time to post.

Ella Gregory said...

I like the shoes
I hope they are a hit at your prom!

♥ Marta ♥ said...

Hey... thanks for trading links, I'm really looking forward to reading your blog :) ... Regarding shoes, lol, I must say those shoes are phenomenal, awesome choice...I am a shoes addict just like any other girl, but for me it is with Michael Kors...I just can't get enough of his shoes, they are so beautiful and most importantly, comfortable ... xoxo