Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Fashion: Internationally...unrecognized!?

Vogue - a world wide style bible to all, an important factor which has vastly affected the shaping of society ( 's dress sense) over the years. 'Vogue' is said to suggest transient impermanent fashion ability. Not only is it the most influential magazine of all time but it is a lifestyle, a dream and something which i could hand on my heart say that is internationally recognised.

But why is it that no other fashion magazine has appeared to rise to the same iconic status along side it? This inspired me to hunt for...well i wasn't particularly sure what for but i had a feeling i was looking for a somewhat hidden vogue?

ENTER : 'ANOTHER MAGAZINE' !! (This means more than it looks!)

The irony of the situation - i found myself searching for quite literally searching for another magazine - just to find 'Another Magazine'...

I am whole heatedly not doubting the success of vogue - as it is in fact my favourite, but I knew that there must be more, just hidden perhaps? Wandering through the shelves of mags in WHSmiths and coming across this striking cover of Uma Thurman meets artistic half butterfly really took me by surprise. Here are my findings:
It was the 14Th issue
It is a bi-annual magazine (meaning published twice a year)
It is very fashion-forward consisting of a mix from McQueen to Venetia Scott to D&G and Mark Segal.
It is a very precise and down to the point publication
It cleverly blends fashion with art and literature
This is not your ordinary stereotypical 'fashion magazine'

So, from what i have found - i think i was just searching for a change maybe? And i believe i have found it! i reccomend 'another' (link to their site above) to every fashion intelligent human! Of course it is only published twice a year which makes it different, but its wonderfully crafted arty meets seriousness of each page is work!

The question still ponders though - why is this concious and brilliantly fulfilling magazine so...unrecognised?

Opinions? What do you think of their mag & site? How does it compare to Vogue? Happy blogging! xxxxx


Chelsea Rae said...

I really like Another magazine because their editorials are always exceptional. To be completely honest though, I fancy magazines like Another, Lula, and i-D much more than Vogue, especially US Vogue. I think many time major magazines stay on the safe side a little too much because their audience is so broad, and they don't want to lose readers by shaking things up, which can be a bit disappointing. I still read Vogue every month, but to me it is not the be all, end all in fashion.

Sorry this is so long. Thanks for stopping by Pink Rock Candy!

heartu,kisses said...

their site's very nice. i haven't seen the magazine around!
i like nylon, i-D, bazaar, elle, and of course the coveted vogue!

Fashionably collaborative thought box said...

hmm nylon? Must check that one out, not heard of it before!

Sharon said...

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I haven't heard of this one, but I will add the link to my favourites list and definitely check it out!!

Sharon said...

BTW, would you like to swap links-I will add you to my list! Good luck with your blog!!

Margaux said...

I'll have to check that out.
I'm still searching for the perfect magazine. Great inspiration, but relatable articles. Being 14, its kind of hard. A lot of the articles in fashion magazines are about things I could care less about. But then a lot of teen magazines seem to be like they just layer whatever they find and call it chic. (Does it seem that way to anyone else? A lot of times the outfits don't match!)

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